Small decoder with wire harness
Dimensions 20x11x3,5mm
motor current, continuous 1 A
motor current, peak (max20s) 2,5 A
Normal function outputs: 6
Max total function outputs current: 0,8A
SUSI connection
2x extra logical functions
2x servo
– DCC Addresses 1 … 10239, Consist addresses 1 … 127, MM Addresses 1 … 80, Functions F0 … F12 ( .. F20 for Sound),
– 14, 28 or 128 (external) Speed Steps, 256 or 1024 internal Steps,
– Programming CVs in “service mode” (on the Programming Track) and in “operational mode”,
– Uninterrupted operation (without Decoder Reset or New Start) during lost contact of up to 1 or 2 sec (even without external energy storage/capacitors),
– UPS – Avoids stopping on de-energized rail sections – from insulated frog or dirt (requires external energy storage/capacitors),
– DC Analogue operation, detected automatically, either regulated or unregulated,
– AC Analogue operation (including Märklin impulse control to change direction).
– Updateable Software: New Software Versions can be loaded without opening the loco, with USB Stick and the ZIMO Decoder
Update Device MXULF(A), MX31ZL System CAB or MX10 command station; or direct from Computer with ZSP
(“ZIMO Sound Programme”) and MXULF or MX10.
– Current overload protection on all outputs, temperature overload protection, See details under “Continuous Current” and “Peak Current”,
– Protection against voltage spikes of the motor through suppressor diodes,
– Voltage up to 35 V (MX695)
– low-noise, high frequency motor control with either 20 or 40 kHz,
– suitable for all DC motors and coreless motors (Faulhaber, Maxxon) and (with additional diodes) AC motors,
– also for “hard cases”, such as the Fleischmann “round” motor, or old (only low frequency compatible) motors,
– ZIMO motor control with self-optimization and numerous settings for manual optimization,
– Speed curve via 3 CV settings or freely programmable in 28 point speed curve (as in NMRA standard),
– km/h-speed control (per Speed Step – 1/2 km/h, 1 km/h or 2 km/h) as alternative to conventional speed control,
– Adjustable compensation for gear back-lash during direction changes in order to reduce start-up jolt. ,
– ZIMO acceleration settings (NMRA standard, in addition, “exponential” for soft start/stop, “adaptive” against start-up jolt),
– Shunting function (half-speed, reduction or shutdown of momentum/braking effects selectable via F3, F4, or MAN keys),
– full NMRA function mapping for F0 – F12, and ZIMO extensions (directional assignments, Swiss light effects etc.),
– dimming, flashing, US effects (mars, ditch, strobe,…) and other light effects (soft start, brake light, auto time-out,…),
– High bream/low beam headlight changeover via function key,,
– time limited (un)coupling control for Krois and Roco, with “uncoupling dance” (or “waltz”) (automatic move in slightly, unhook and move away),
– SUSI Interface for 4-pin SUSI Plug,
– DC braking distance, ABC (stopping on asymmetrical DCC signal), Märklin braking section,
– ZIMO “signal dependent train control” (HLU) with speed limits in 5 steps and “stop before red signal”,
– ZIMO loco number recognition only with ZIMO DCC system and ZIMO track section modules,
– constant braking with two variants (either always start braking immediately, or later, when speed is low, to stop in same place),
– RailCom: km/h feedback, CV “on-the-main” read-out and confirmed programming, RailCom address feedback,
and many more RailCom applications in future software releases.
– Loading of new sound projects is similar (using same equipment) as loading new software versions, (see SW Update, above),
– Sampling rate 22 kHz (most used) or 11 kHz, up to 6 sound channels played simultaneously (e.g. steam chuffs, air pump whistle,…)
– Synchronization of the steam chuffs either by connecting a real cam sensor (LED mechanical, Hall), or
– simulated virtual cam sensor, both for sound as well as for the fan and smoke control,
– Acceleration and load dependence can be automatically adjusted by a test drive to set the load sensitivity parameters,
-and many other features, see the ZIMO Sound Database and the User Manuals.
“RailCom” is a Trade Mark of Lenz GmbH