The Basic set contains:
1x DR5052 Controller
1x LocoNet Cable
1x USB Cable
DR5052 Product Features:
– All Fleischmann turntables
– Both the ‘stupid’ and the ‘smart’ (C-type)
– The Maerklin turntable manufactured by Fleischmann
– The Roco TT turntable
– Motor speed adjustable (20KHz, also supports the SB Modellbau update-drive)
– DPDT relay integrated for polarity change while turning, every exit can have its own polarity
– RailCom occupancy and address detectors on the bridge
– manually controllable, step-left, step-right, 180 turn (3-button operation)
– controllable by DCC
– controllable by LocoNet
– Fleischmann control protocol
– Maerklin control protocol
– Full graphical configuration and operating program for the PC
– USB interface for configuration, operating and firmware updates
And that all WITHOUT modifications to the turntable or bridge itsself !!
Available Extension sets:
DR5052-BASIC Set contents: DR5052, USB cable, LocoNet cable 3m
DR5052-EXT Set contents: DR4088-OPTO, DR4188-DC adapter for posi3on feedback, 1m STP cable
(Required for the Basic-Plus and Pro versions. Note the number of rail sidings! )
DR5052-R Set contents: DR5052-ROCO adapter, 25 cm STP cable
(Required for opera3ng a Roco® H0, TT turntable)
DR5052-M Set contents: DR5052-MARKLIN adapter, 25 cm STP cable
(Required for the opera3on of a Märklin® H0 turntable)
DR5052-PRO Set contents: DR5052-PRO Adapter, DR5052-PLuX