Limited, numbered edition of 400 pieces.
Perfect 1:87 scale reproduction of the steam locomotive 851.160 of the FS, constructor “Costruzioni Meccaniche di Saronno”, as it was during the era IIIa (’50s years). Black livery with red/brown chassis, big oil lamps, two fuel oil tanks placed between chimney and sandbox, small raising for coal box, raised rear markings on red background and old type buffers.
All other details comply with the historical setting: smooth rear cabin wall, reduced side visors of the cabin, old type chimney with rounded base, additional coal boxes inside the cabin, fuel oil burners over the fire chamber, original whistle on cabin roof, transparent rear side windows and handles under the buffers in black colour.
Between 1947 and 1957, 27 units of the Group 851 were experimentally fitted with mixed coal/fuel oil burning system, to reduce consumptions and simplify the work of the stokers, heavily occupied during shunting services. These machines received two big tanks for fuel oil, placed over the boiler between chimney and sandbox or beside the dome, and a burner placed over the opening of the fire chamber to burn oil during active service, while during the parking periods the normal coal burning was used. Many of these units were scrapped with still the oil burning system installed, while others, including the 167 assigned to Bologna depot, at the end of the experimentation were re-converted to the standard coal burning.
Chassis in high precision and high quality moulding, correctly differentiated in details and decoration to accurately reproduce all the features of the different versions of the locomotives. Frame, footboard and boiler in die-cast metal, cabin and water tanks in plastic. Wheels centres in Kevlar with realistic thin spokes, wheels and counter-weights correctly differentiated between the axles. Reproduction of the coupling entirely die-cast or etched and functioning. The boiler is rich in many applied details with several turned or etched metal parts. The cabin interior has been fully reproduced, with levers and instruments as separate parts. The etched metal cabin closure chain is reproduced to exact scale. Model with partially mounted detail, additional parts included in the box.
NEM 660/21MTC plug for 21-poles DCC decoders
White LEDs with inversion according to the running direction, switch for “shunting mode” lights with both front and rear lamps always on. Rear lamps can be removed and replaced by lamp supports.
5-poles motor with flywheel, transmission on central axle by gears, movement of other axles by rods. Two wheels with traction tyre.